
Saviours with Survivors: Situated Afghan Transnational Solidarities

September 23, 2021

By Abdulkadir Osman Farah, PhD In pursuing hierarchical and geopolitical national solidarities, top-down unilateral processes (e.g. the recent US and NATO [...]

In Search of Transnational Sanctuaries

May 27, 2021

In Search of Transnational Sanctuaries      By Abdulkadir Osman Farah, PhD    The “possible abuse[s]” of colonialism “cannot annul the right of citizens of [...]

Scrutinizing Transnational Actors’ Funding on Islamic Philanthropy in Europe

January 28, 2021

By Johannes Renders, PhD, CAS, Aarhus University and Prof. Lene Kühle, PhD, CAS, Aarhus University         Within the last decades, foreign funding of [...]

Reimagining Nations and Tribes within and across Transnationalities

November 26, 2020

By Abdulkadir Osman Farah, PhD “When tribesmen once come together, a sort of electricity is formed by their collecting which quickly transports to an [...]

Research towards Local-Transnational Encounters and Connections (LOTEC)

September 17, 2020

By Abdulkadir Osman Farah, PhD Introduction In his book “The new transnational activism”[i] Sidney Tarrow calls for the extension of existing transnational [...]

Beyond the restrictive socio-political autonomy and sovereignty

May 14, 2020

By Abdulkadir Osman Farah, PhD With an upcoming edited book (Roots, Routes and a New Awakening) Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 [i] Ananta Kumar Giri cautions us [...]

Crossing (Biometric) Borders: Turning ‘Gravity’ Upside Down

April 4, 2020

By Anja Simonsen, Department of Anthropology, the University of Copenhagen A Somali friend living in Ethiopia once said to me that he felt struck by the [...]

COVID-19: National Restrictions with Transnational Resilience

March 19, 2020

By Abdulkadir Osman Farah, PhD A mysterious virus, classified by WHO (World Health Organization) as COVID-19, wrecks global health and potentially [...]

The Quest for a Transnational Network of Sanctuary Cities

February 27, 2020

By Martin Bak Jørgensen, DEMOS, Department of Culture and Learning Aalborg University. Introduction[1] Across the globe national governments have chosen [...]

Forestalling Transnational Corruption

February 6, 2020

By Abdulkadir Osman Farah, PhD Transparency International (TI), a civic transnational NGO, publishes annual “Global Corruption Barometer”. The index [...]